Vision, Mission, and Purpose
The Alberta Association of Seniors Centres is a dynamic network of Seniors Centres focused on growth, excellence, and strategic partnerships which enhance quality of life of older adults.
To promote the visibility, growth, development, expansion and quality of Seniors Centres in Alberta through supports, services, advocacy, education, training, networking and resource development.
Dissemination of Information
Collect and disseminate ideas, information and research that will enhance the operation of Seniors Centres.
Educate members about pertinent legislation.
Facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, programs and promising practices among Seniors Centres.
Public Relations
Promote the visibility and importance of well governed, staffed and organized Seniors Centres in communities throughout the Province.
Promote the significant role that Seniors Centres play in our communities and in the lives of seniors.
Recognize excellence in Senior Centre programming.
Provide and facilitate education and training which promotes increased competency of Seniors Centres’ volunteers, staff and board members.
Senior Sector Relations
Express the views and concerns of Seniors Centres to local, provincial and/or national organizations addressing the needs of seniors.
Provide opportunities for mutual support and networking among Seniors Centres’ staff and volunteers throughout Alberta.
Government Relations
Disseminate information to Seniors Centres regarding Provincial and Federal legislative activities and other proposed services/programs.
Communicate with policy makers and encourage the passage and implementation of legislation at the local, provincial and federal levels that will enable Seniors Centres to better serve seniors.
Growth and Development
Provide technical assistance to Seniors Centres.
Develop and share guidelines for Senior Centre best practice.
Encourage the development of new Seniors Centres and expansion of existing Seniors Centres throughout Alberta.