
Senior Centres of the Future

Social Inclusion of New Immigrant and Refugee Seniors, LGBTQ2S+ Seniors and Indigenous Seniors

Examining Seniors Centres of Alberta as Centres of Excellence: Identifying their Needs and Capacities

Reports from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health


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Membership Application

AASC Communication Plan – 2015

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2017 Annual Reports

2014 Annual Reports

Links to Information

Older Adult Knowledge Network


Alberta Seniors Housing Directory

Housing Directory

University of Alberta – survey for female users of Containment products for Bladder problems

Dr. Adrian Wagg’s research team at the University of Alberta is conducting a survey targeted at women 30 years of age and over who use containment products for their bladder problems or weakness.  This survey will help us understand how women choose their containment products and evaluate the usefulness of the information they have received.  This information can improve how women choose their containment products in the future.

Here is the link to the survey

Thank you

Nicholas Smith
University of Alberta
1-122 Clinical Sciences Building
11350 – 83 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3

Awareness on mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases

Article (Link)